Get in touch if you’d like to share an idea or get involved. Your time and talents are gifts, too!
Cash and eGiving
Every week we offer an opportunity to support a variety of causes, via cash or 'eGiving' - secure online payments to Adventist Churches in Australia and New Zealand. Download the eGiving App or visit eGiving and follow the prompts to make one-off or regular payments.
Op Shop
The Wodonga ADRA op shop provides quality, pre-loved clothing and homewares at affordable prices to our community - profits from sales helps the humanitarian efforts of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) to provide support locally and overseas. Apart from health services and food, ADRA respond to national emergencies by providing essentials.
We welcome quality, second-hand items in good condition. Drop in on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday 10am - 3pm.